Mulheres Amadoras

Tratamento reprodutivo para casais homoafetivos


Desde la perspectiva de estas parejas, tener un hijo se considera un paso importante en la afirmación de su capacidad para formar una familia. Palabras clave: adopción; familia homoparental; homosexualidad; familia; parentesco Abstract Throughout the last decade in Brazil as well as in other countries is possible to observe the increasing demand for the adoption of children by same sex couples. This fact has generated distinct views on the specificities of this kind of parental relationship and its psychological impacts in children and teenagers. The material analysis revealed conceptions of family and gender perspectives, which underlie the demands formulated by the couples, as well as their wishes and values, expressed by the desire of having children. In these couples' perspective, having a child is considered an important step in the affirmation of their capacity of constitute a family. Como esse projeto é construído? Que modelo s de família casais de mulheres e homens desejam? Qual o papel reservado para a biogenética nele? O termo homoparentalidade tem sido empregado traduzido do francês homoparentalité criado em pela APGL Association des parentes et futurs parentes gays et lesbienssendo adotado por autores no Brasil Grossi, ; Uziel, ; Zambrano.

Contato mães 384106

Bissexuais reclamam que sempre são associadas à infidelidade

The assisted reproductive treatment through in vitro fertilization or intrauterine insemination allows these couples to have their own children. The resolution of the Brazilian Federal Council of Medicine updated in and again inauthorizes the possibility of pregnancy of female couples, whereby the oocyte is fertilized from one partner using donated sperm, which is then transferred as an embryo to the uterus of the other partner. It also allows a male couples to have children through fertilization of an oocyte donated with sperm from one partner, and transfer of the embryo to the uterus of a gestational carrier. Despite the recognition of same-sex marriage, same-sex couples are faced with social prejudice daily. As same-sex relationships are increasing however, the social conflict has been frequently debated.

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Prevaleceram os estudos internacionais, empíricos, transversais, quantitativos e com ênfase na parentalidade lésbica. Palavras-chave: Família, parentalidade, conjugalidade, homossexualidade, próprio sexo. Se identificaron y se analizaron artículos tras el examen de los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se han prevalecido los estudios internacionales, empíricos, transversales, cuantitativos y con énfasis en la parentalidad lesbiana. Palabras clave: Familia, parentalidad, conyugalidad, homosexualidad, mismo sexo. Favoritismo das bases de dados; 3. Armazenamento dos resultados; 5. Em francês aplicou-se o descritor, homoparentalité. A busca nas bases de dados foi realizada nos meses de junho e julho de

Faça um filho comigo!

ABSTRACT Firstly, the paper introduces the historical and contemporary nature and practices involved with the institution of adoption and it's effects. The implications regarding the welfare of the child are examined. The best interest of the child principle is explored by discussing the psychological effects involved when adoption takes place in a same sex couple situation. Princípio constitucional do melhor interesse da criança 2. Realidade social e o melhor interesse da criança. Muitos desses superados em diversas culturas, mas infelizmente mantidos em outras.