Opções Estado civil e falsidade ideológica Conforme reza o Art. O Código Penal Brasileiro, ao tratar da falsidade ideológica diz no Art. Tal proposta acrescenta um artigo à Lei do Divórcio 6. Consulte um advogado. Tem 6 anos que eu morava junto com meu companheiro. Porém, decidir sair da vida dele e com isso descobrir que nosso casamento no civil nunca aconteceu. O crime de bigamia na sociedade moderna This work gives us an overview of the crime of bigamy possible to enter, at this juncture, in their specific; the law says, the majority of the teaching position, has positioned itself as our judges and some tried, the vision of the social sciences about marriage and family, changes with the advent of the constitution; pluralize, democratize and humanize the familial institution, overcoming the authoritarian state in this new era where the constitutional rights and human dignity are the central focus.
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