Mulheres Amadoras

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Palavras-chaves: Trabalho. ABSTRACT Occupying the role of subordinated women over the years and since the beginning of civilization suffered oppression and discrimination based on gender and the way society understand their role, because in ancient times society comprised women only as a daughter, future wife and devoted mother. The wife always needed the permission of their husbands to give efficacy to their actions in the civil context. Woman back in times was only the genetic the one who was responsible for their children, however parental authority for it was a subsidiary manner. In the professional area there was no respect, the woman suffered discrimination and were always exploited working above their physical limits for up to 16 hours a day, always receiving wages below the salary compared to man. However, the woman contributed to the growth and development of society and has always been undervalued in the story, which always caused outrage causing them to fight for their rights and especially about work.

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Por que mais mulheres saíram do mercado?

Minha ideia, ao longo dos próximos quinto dias, é encontrar, virtualmente, pessoas dispostas a me contar histórias de respondência fora do casamento e suas razões para estarem ali. Mesmo em países onde as mulheres traem muito, eles traem mais. Bom, para ouvir mulheres, pensei, teria trabalho dobrado. E tive, como mostro a seguir. Dito e feito.