Mulheres Amadoras

'Caçadores de amor' chineses buscam esposas para bilionários exigentes


Bolsista E. Fapesb, Universidade Católica do Salvador. Entrevistas semi estruturadas com as participantes, acopladas a relatórios de atendimentos, forneceram a base empírica do estudo. Conflitos familiares. ABSTRACT The current investigation, conducted through case studies, aimed to verify the interference of family standards and beliefs in the process of differentiation of young women. The group was composed of seven young women, all of them attending the COF Center of Orientation to the Family - and residing in Salvador, state of Bahia, Brazil, who showed emotional problems associated with family life. Semi-structured interviews with the participants, together with the participants' attendance reports, provided the empirical basis for the study. The theme that stood out fear of repeating their mothers' life history - unfolded into: absence of paternal figure; lack of credibility concerning the male figure; sexuality problems and conflicts with the mother. These youths' struggles focused preferably on study and professional targets; the young women felt responsible for sharing family expenses, and often took roles belonging to their parents.

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Todas eram solteiras e assumiram a responsabilidade de ter um filho sem a presença do pai biológico ou de outro companheiro que o substituísse. The literature suggests that parental support during pregnancy is crucial in psychological development of the child as well as the quality of the mother-infant relationship. In this sense it is plausible to think that the lack of parental support may eventually result in difficulties for this transitional moment. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the feelings and expectations of unmarried pregnant women in relation to their babies. Attended nine primiparae aged 19 to 28 years, who were in the last trimester of pregnancy and had no health problems. All were single and taken responsibility for a child without the presence of the biological father or another partner to replace him. The results indicated that assume all responsibility for a child brought some degree of distress for pregnant women, and resonances that experience permeated their expectations and feelings about the baby as much concerning sex, the name of the physical and psychological characteristics, their health and mother-infant interaction. RESUMEN El embarazo es una experiencia compleja para la mujer y varios factores que pueden facilitar o dificultar el curso de este proceso. La literatura sugiere que el apoyo de los padres durante el embarazo es fundamental para el desarrollo psíquico del niño, así quanto la calidad de la relación madre-hijo.

Homens solteiros e ricos em busca de namoradas

Segurando seu café gelado, Peng Tai anda pela rua e desaparece dentro de um shopping. Subindo na escada rolante, ele observa a cena abaixo. E a garota de shorts saindo da loja de sapatos? Muito magra. Ela balança a cabeça rapidamente e sai. Ele leva o mesmo fora de outras jovens - algumas parecem envergonhadas, outras impacientes. Legenda da foto, Agências cobram caro para atender exigências de solteiros ricos Peng Tai me encontra novamente perto da entrada e bebe, rejeitado, o drink. Ele se aproxima dela com cuidado, todo sorrisos.

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