Mulheres Amadoras

Depois dos 60: a vida sexual das mulheres na terceira idade


Palavras-chave: Feminicídio; Patriarcado; Violência doméstica; Agressor. To this end, domestic and family violence and its forms were discussed in the Maria da Penha Law and the role of the State in protecting women in situations of violence was also pointed out, as well as the patriarchy's share of blame in cases of domestic violence and femicide. Then, a qualitative research was conducted through recorded and transcribed semi-structured interviews. Given this, it was concluded that patriarchy and chauvinistic culture are the pillars of all discrimination that leads to violence and femicide, domestic and family violence is perpetuated through a cycle that needs to be broken in the first phase. Como expõe Mellop. De asegundo pesquisa realizada pelo IPEA Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada, estima-se que nesse período ocorreram 16,9 mil feminicídios no Brasil, sendo uma taxa de 5,8 a cada mil mulheres.

Anúncios de mulheres 842502


Abstract: This article shows the preliminary results of our research about the matching apps market, which were carried out through par- ticipation in the Badoo and Tinder apps, interviews with their users, and data collected from the Empowered Women group. The first results show that the application success is due to the fact that applications are embebbed in common sense values, therefore applications would not create common sense but are inspired by it to achieve their success with users. In turn, identify that users make affective choices in applications driven by their habitus cognitive devices habitus orchestration. O desenvolvimento do dispositivo é feito por equipe especializada terceirizada, que utili- za de seus equipamentos e instalações. O Brasil é um dos maiores consumidores de aplicativos do mun- do, sendo hoje o quinto país que mais realiza downloads des- tes produtos.