Mulheres Amadoras

Por que é difícil namorar no país europeu com a maior proporção de solteiros


Os dados da pesquisa foram submetidos ao Statistical Package for Social Sciences e analisados de forma descritiva e inferencial. Palavras-chave: relações conjugais, relações homem-mulher, demografia. ABSTRACT The present study aimed to describe the relationship between marital relationship and sociodemographic characteristics in hetero-affective family arrangements. Participated in the survey adults women and menwith average from 30 to 40 years old and 10 years of marital relationship. The instruments used were the Sociodemographic Questionnaire and the Floreal Questionnaire. The survey data were submitted to the Statistical Package for Social Sciences and analyzed descriptively and inferentially. The marital relation of the respondents was characterized, on average, by marital harmony. It was found that the lower the income and the education were, more the spouses reported interactions permeated by negative reciprocity and avoidance. Women appeared to be more sensitive to the relationship between marital affairs and socio-demographic variables when compared to men.

Mulheres estrangeiras 632175

Vida de solteiro sueca

Leste estudo exploratório e qualitativo foi realizado com uma amostra constituída por 13 esposas de militares da Escola das Armas de Mafra Exército. Embora algumas esposas tenham sentido dificuldades relacionadas com o distanciamento emocional do militar e outras fontes de stress e. The military deployment to mission is a normative event of military families that provoke changes in the family system and especially in the marital subsystem, which may affect the couple's relationship or even strengthen it, depending on how the couple reacts to the mission cycle. This exploratory study was conducted with a sample of 13 military wives from Escola das Brasão de Mafra Army. Through abdutive thematic analysis, using the software QSR NVivo10, it was found that changes in the dynamics of the couple occur not only during the separation, as well as the stages of preparation for the mission and reintegration of the military. While some wives have experienced difficulty with the emotional detachment of military and other sources of stress e. Despite the importance of media in maintaining the relationship of the couple during the mission, social support from friends and family was the most relevant resource for wives.

Independente e solitário?

Universidad Católica del Uruguay. Foram identificados 21 temas, divididos em 4 eixos constitutivos do modelo: indivíduo, contexto, processos adaptativos e qualidade conjugal. Os processos adaptativos tiveram papel central, sendo que as relações entre os eixos indivíduo e contexto e o eixo qualidade conjugal perpassam esses processos. Ressalta-se a merecimento dos processos adaptativos nas intervenções com casais e recomenda-se que a pertinência do modelo adotado continue sendo investigada no Brasil. Palavras-chave: relações conjugais, casório, qualidade conjugal, indivíduo, contexto. Abstract: Marital relationships have been widely investigated. However, there is little clarity about the definition, theoretical contextualization, and the comprehensiveness of the concept of marital quality. Eight couples answered a semi-structured interview on their marital relationship, which was examined through a thematic analysis.